Plugin: InsertWords
The Insert Words plugin allows the user to insert defined words in the page. This can be very useful vor some kind on predefined variables like ‘%user%’ that will be replaced in the frontend.
To insert a word set the cursor where you want to enter the word and select the word from the dropdown-list.
See the NewbieGuide for how to set configuration values in general, the below configuration options are available for this plugin.
// Register the keyword/replacement list
var keywrds1 = new Object();
var keywrds2 = new Object();
keywrds1['-- Dropdown Label --'] = '';
keywrds1['onekey'] = 'onevalue';
keywrds1['twokey'] = 'twovalue';
keywrds1['threekey'] = 'threevalue';
keywrds2['-- Insert Keyword --'] = '';
keywrds2['Username'] = '%user%';
keywrds2['Last login date'] = '%last_login%';
xinha_config.InsertWords = {
combos : [ { options: keywrds1, context: "td" },
{ options: keywrds2, context: "body" } ]
This plugin was developed by Adam Wright and is under htmlArea license.