Extended File Manager EFM
Version 1.1 created from 1.0 beta by Krzysztof Kotowicz koto@webworkers.pl
Extended File Manager is an advanced plugin for Xinha
It works in two different modes.
- Insert Image Mode and
- Insert File Link Mode.
In Insert Image Mode, it replaces the basic insert image functionality of Xinha with its advanced image manager.
If Insert File Link Mode is enabled, a new icon will be added to the toolbar with advanced file linking capability.
Complete Features
- Easy config.inc file that enables individual options for both modes.
- Thumnail View
- List View
- Nice icons for both views
- Create Folders
- Vertical Scrolling
- Allowed extensions to view or upload.
- File Uploads
- Max File upload limit
- Max Upload Folder size (Including all subfolders and files. A must see option.)
- Dynamic display of available free space in the Upload Folder
- Dynamic Thumbnails using Image libraries or browser resize
- Image Editor (Actually done by Wei…a great addon)
- Can be used to insert images along with properties.
- Can be used to insert link to non-image files like pdf or zip.
- You can specify image margin / padding / background and border colors
- You may edit Alt/title tags for inserted images
(Most of the features can be enabled/disabled as needed)
Installing involves extracting the archive to ‘plugins’ subdirectory of Xinha and selecting the plugin in appropriate xinha_plugins list.
Plugin may be configured via xinha_config.ExtendedFileManager
You can find the available options here.
// only snippets of code from initializing file shown below
xinha_plugins = xinha_plugins ? xinha_plugins :
/*'ImageManager',*/ // replace image manager with EFM
//If you don't want to add a button for linking files and use only the advanced ImageManager
xinha_config.ExtendedFileManager.use_linker = false;
// pass the configuration to plugin
if (xinha_config.ExtendedFileManager) {
with (xinha_config.ExtendedFileManager)
// define backend configuration for the plugin
$IMConfig = array();
$IMConfig['allow_upload'] = true;
$IMConfig['images_dir'] = '<images dir>';
$IMConfig['images_url'] = '<images url>';
$IMConfig['files_dir'] = '<files dir>';
$IMConfig['files_url'] = '<files url>';
$IMConfig['thumbnail_prefix'] = 't_';
$IMConfig['thumbnail_dir'] = 't';
$IMConfig['resized_prefix'] = 'resized_';
$IMConfig['resized_dir'] = '';
$IMConfig['tmp_prefix'] = '_tmp';
$IMConfig['max_filesize_kb_image'] = 2000;
// maximum size for uploading files in 'insert image' mode (2000 kB here)
$IMConfig['max_filesize_kb_link'] = 5000;
// maximum size for uploading files in 'insert link' mode (5000 kB here)
// Maximum upload folder size in Megabytes.
// Use 0 to disable limit
$IMConfig['max_foldersize_mb'] = 0;
$IMConfig['allowed_image_extensions'] = array("jpg","gif","png");
$IMConfig['allowed_link_extensions'] = array("jpg","gif","pdf","ip","txt",
require_once '/path/to/xinha/contrib/php-xinha.php';
Please note that by default allow_upload is false and uploading is not permitted, you MUST set it true in the config as is indicated above in order to allow uploading.
afrusoft@gmail.com - author of EFM 1.0 beta
koto@webworkers.pl - EFM 1.1 (most of the code taken from Xinha codebase)