Internationalisation (i18n)
If you look for information on localisation (l10n, how you translate Xinha) take a look at wiki:Translating.
This page is for xinha-developers and on how the _lc-function works.
Xinha has different contexts for i18n:
- “Xinha”: the core of Xinha uses this context.
- eg. “
”: every plugin has its own context (the name of the plugin)
the _lc-function
Xinha._lc('english string');
This is the simplest usage, Xinha (core) will be used as context. The function will return the localised string.
Xinha._lc('english string', 'PluginName');
Usage within an plugin. Most plugins do have its own _lc function defined, you don’t need to pass the context everytime then.
CharCounter.prototype._lc = function(string) {
return Xinha._lc(string, "CharCounter");
var complexity = 'very';
Xinha._lc({string: 'this is a $complexity complex sentence', replace:{'complexity': complexity}});
This provides a way to have complex sentences where some parts are variable - and this variable part might be at another position in other languages.
Xinha._lc({key: 'button_bold', string: ["ed_buttons_main.gif",3,2]});
It is also possible to translate objects, this is used to internationalize the bold, italic… toolbar-buttons.
The key is used to lookup the string (which is actually an object) in the l10n-file.